Avis blog

Campervan rental – how to choose and what to consider?

Have you ever dreamed of travelling without any firm plans, staying in picturesque places and [...]

Campervan trips in the Baltic States: 5 recommendations where to go!

Summer is a time for holidays, spent in different ways. Some like to travel the [...]

Travelling with a campervan to the full: hints and tips

Travelling around Latvia, the Baltics or Europe by campervan gives your trip a completely different [...]

Amaxophobia or fear of getting behind the wheel of a new car: tips to reduce anxiety

Getting around in your favourite car is comfortable and hassle-free. But for some people, the [...]

7 games when riding in the car with children

Summer days and the long school holidays are the perfect time to go on exciting [...]

There is a map of black spots – maybe a road sign?

The statistics are not encouraging – Latvia is the third country in the European Union [...]

Age restrictions in car rental – why do I need them?

For many years, it was thought that cars should be owned and rented only by [...]

Which car to choose? Avis statistics on the most popular car types for companies

Which car to choose? Avis statistics on the most popular car types for companies Modern [...]

Short-term car rental is becoming increasingly popular

Short-term car rental is becoming increasingly popular Short-term and same-day car rental has become increasingly [...]

Economical driving – 5 useful tips

Economical driving – 5 useful tips Degvielas cenas ir svārstīgas, taču drīzāk “uz augšu” – [...]